Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thursday’s Pisces Horoscope.

Current music: Beck Sexx Laws Thursday’s Pisces Horoscope I think I’m going to be alone today in the office. My boss told me probably won’t be in so there’s really no one here. Well, maybe Rebecca, but she’s on the far side of our department. She seriously needs to move closer to the rest of us. Oh I think I forgot to mention that I saw some movies this past week. Wait… maybe it was one movie. I think I got too drunk on wine and scotch with my brother to endure a second film on christmas eve. Everyone in my family is bugging me to see No Country for Old Men and are highly disappointed I have yet to see it. Am I worthy of the Espiritu name now? Probably not cause of that. Then I was recommended by my sister to see PS I Love You. ” Chris you would love that film.. it’s one of those movies you like.” Say What? F-ck.. is that true? I’m thinking they think I’m a sap for romance movies.. in a masculine guy sort of way. LOL. But Jesus.. that might be correct given the fact that this has been mentioned before I mention this in one of my horoscope thoughts. Anyway, The Kingdom was OK…. Peter Berg needs to hold a camera still cause I’m seriously getting sick of his Friday Night Lights cinematic style. It’s almost as bad as Paul Greengrass Bourne Ultimatum or Tony Scott Domino, Enemy of the State Anyway, since my usual friends aren’t here this morning to exchange horoscopes, I will be sharing these for you, my loyal readers. LOL. As always, my thoughts in italics. I decided to add the love and romance horoscopes in today cause the other ones were boring and I doubt they apply. Quickie: Has someone been putting you under pressure to be perfect lately? Just ignore them. Honestly, I don’t feel any pressure what so ever. But who knows, maybe something will come up today. I was invited to a Poker game tonight but I’m going to pass, I need to save that money for Atlantic City this weekend. Overview: You’ve got to try something a bit different. Reality has a way of catching up with you and today you can tell that things are going to get weird if you don’t immediately realign your plans. Reality is usually tough for me to grip since I live my life in fantasy. LOL. This could be accurate. Realign my plans? What plans? Financial plans have been going well so I doubt that’s in question.. Career.. that’s complicated and I don’t want to get into talking about it; at the moment I am comfortable…… Love… well, that’s the department that’s just really f-cked up. Daily Flirt: You need to try something new, thanks to your new understanding of the situation. The reality is that you’re not so bad off, as long as you’re willing to step up and take care of business. Oh yeah, it’s business time! I had some weird revelation last night and I ended up calling my friend Kristen for her thoughts cause she was probably the only person I knew who would be awake. She’s probably thinking I’m weird as hell. F-ck, i’ll admit it.. i am. But understanding of my situation? What situation? My only understanding is that I have no understanding of ANY romantic interests in my life. I use to believe the initial stages of romance are based on signs and the readability of that person of interests. Past experiences have told me, I have been wrong. Dead wrong. I’m always expecting things in my romantic love life is like one of those sappy movies ahem Music From Another Room or as cute as stuff from TV The Office Friends. It’s really not. But it sure is fun to think about those things. Daily Singles: There’s a time for bold declarations, being free with your opinions and taking a romantic stand; then there’s a time to wisely wait, taking the pulse of the situation and of your own heart. Now? Much more like the latter. See above. I think I just did that. D once told me she loves watching romantic movies with me. Supposedly, i have this weird smile on my face when I watch those. Then after the film, I’ll act all manly and talk about football… or sports… Free with opinions, sure I can do that. Romantic stand? Check. Wait. Why not? As for bold declarations…. I think I retired from that.

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